Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Girls' Room

Here are pictures of the girls' room. With less than a week until baby #3 is here, its finally finished! Lucy knows she is going to be sharing a room and seems fine with it but we shall see how that goes. Mikey is jealous. He keeps asking who he is going to share a room with :) Now we are just waiting for her...Keep checking the blog for pictures of baby girl....

Friday, April 9, 2010


Hard to believe that Lucy won't be the "baby" anymore. She is growing up. Here is her all dressed up. She looks like an 80s Barbie Doll!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Visit with the Easter Bunny


We visited the Easter Bunny at the mall.
Both kids sat on the Bunny's lap and no tears were shed!